To: Geographic Area Coordinating Group Chairs
From: National Multi Agency Coordinating Group
NMAC Correspondence #2013-06
Subject: Focusing Risk Management Efforts Using Historical Wildland Fire Accident Trends
Data analysis is an important component of risk management. Trends identified through data analysis provide a sound foundation for making risk management decisions. Over the past one hundred years, 90% of wildland fire fatalities can be attributed to five general causes:
- Low level flight operations
- Vehicle accidents
- Entrapments/burnovers
- Snags/felling operations
- Heart attacks
- Low level fight operations, reference: - Vehicle accidents: - Burn overs: - Snags/felling operations: - Heart attacks:
/s/ John Segar
Chair, NMAC
(UPDATE since memo's release: 30 deaths to date)
ITS OK to have a choice` they don't want the best mousetrap, and it's not like they buy just enough fire retardant for a week. since fire was discovered we have been challenged by its destruction of the way to suppress contain and now a dream comes true allow me to introduce a miracle F.A.C.S. FAST application containment systems liquid gypsum call602 359 3719 DAN
ReplyDeleteAnd it's good for earth's up 1 to 3 months shelf life may be applied before the fire even thinks of going anywhere once applied and releases itself aiding erosion in the list goes on and why did I think of this son of a firefighter