Alexis Waldron, Human Performance Specialist, USDA Forest Service |
When a friend made a request for others to share the most interesting thing they had seen since March 1st on Facebook—during the beginning days of COVID-19, as it became more real for the U.S.—I replied by describing the experience of driving to daycare with my three-month-old daughter (the day before my husband and I made the decision to pull her and her sister out). I was behind an old, blue Ford Explorer with a single driver in the front. On the dusty back windshield there was a white stick figure family, but instead of having a mom, dad and kids, it was a single lady surrounded by 22 cats. I missed getting a picture because I was busy counting all the cats on the windshield at the stoplight. In jest, a woman replied to the Facebook post— “Well, you know what those cats WON’T need—toilet paper. Twenty-two cats wins over 22 kids any day!” I laughed out loud when I read her response and also in irony to the empty toilet paper shelves in grocery stores and the fear of parents who have been potty training their toddlers and now are wondering and cringing with no toilet paper—do I dare put them back in diapers? What will that mean?