Saturday, July 30, 2022

Environmental Layout

environment layout banner 

Physically organize the learning environment so that the teacher can reach and see every learner. Tactical Decision Games (TDGs), discussions, After Action Reviews, etc., should be formed in a horseshoe with the learners oriented away from distractions. During classroom projects or group work, the faculty members should be able to reach every learner by using an interior loop which allows free access to all. When possible, arrange learners so their back is to the sun, even if that means the teacher is facing the sun. Oftentimes there is opportunity to use the slope of a hill to position the learners with a good view of the teacher and the terrain being discussed.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Challenge #30 - 2022 WFLDP Campaign


2022 WFLDP Campaign - Challenge #30

Challenge #30: Effective leaders create ideal learning environments that engage learners.
  • Read “Creating the Ideal Environment – How to Maximize Time, Resources, and Engagement.”
  • Answer the following questions:
    • Do leaders set the daily work environment and create a positive learning climate?
    • Are learning spaces free from distractions and interruptions?
    • Are teachers prepared to teach?
    • Are learners engaged?

Thursday, July 28, 2022

IGNITE: We Must Listen

engine crew briefing
Why is it so difficult to realize that others are more likely to listen to us if first we listen to them? - Coach John Wooden

[Photo: Avi Farber/BLM]

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Environmental Management


Environmental Management banner

This is about setting the environmental conditions and tone for a consistent focus on learning wherever the learning is planned to occur: in a lecture hall, a discussion room, around a sand table, on a staff ride of an old fireground, in the field scouting a new area, in a bus, or out on the fireline. To do so we must consider our tenets of interaction with learners first, engage learners, and react to distractions or interruptions in ways that keep the focus on learning and the needs of the learner.

[Click here to download Learning in the Wildland Fire Service.]

Monday, July 25, 2022

IGNITE: Treasures


helicopter at sundown

People under the influence of an empowering person are like paper in the hands of a great artist. No matter what they're made of, they can become treasures. - John Maxwell

[Photo: Moki Helitack/BLM]

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Learning Climate


Learning Climate banner

The most important learning climate is the daily working environment and a positive climate for learning set by organization leaders.

[Click here to download Learning in the Wildland Fire Service.]

Friday, July 22, 2022

Challenge #29 - 2022 WFLDP Campaign

Challenge #29 - 2022 WFLDP Campaign

 Challenge #29: Effective leaders provide a safe place for learning.

With your team or via self-reflection, respond to the following questions:
  • Where are learning opportunities occurring?
  • Are learning opportunities lecture-focused instead of experiential?
  • Are we training like we “fight”?
  • Are students engaged?
Make a plan to learn as much as possible in the work environment.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

IGNITE: Strong Cultures

wildland firefighters collaborating

A culture is strong when people work with each other, for each other. A culture is weak when people work against each other, for themselves.” -  Simon Sinek, leadership consultant

[Photo: Suzanne Allman/BLM]

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Learning Environment and Climate

Learning Environment and Climate banner

 What is the learning climate of your unit and how do you contribute—whatever your position?

The firefighter’s operating environment makes the best learning environment. Therefore, if possible, get firefighters out in the woods, in the grasslands, in the neighborhoods. Hike the hills, keep them moving and exposed to changing environments to stimulate thought and learning. When possible, let the outdoors be your primary “classroom.”

Monday, July 18, 2022

IGNITE: Excel at Knowing How to Learn


hotshot crew buggy with wildfire in the background

Excel at not knowing but knowing how to learn. - The Daily Coach blog

[Photo: Cedar City IHC]

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Art of Teaching and Learning


The Art of Teaching and Learning banner
“Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand.” - Unknown/Perhaps Confucius
For any learning opportunity, use these basic tenants:
  • Determine your objectives. It is better to express them behaviorally if you can.
  • Determine what your students already know. Only teach the things they need to learn.
  • Try to avoid lecturing. The demonstration or the use of visual aids is much more effective.
  • The students have to DO to learn. Hands-on is best.
  • The student and the teacher should both agree that the objectives have been met. If not, repeat the cycle.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Challenge #28 - 2022 WFLDP Campaign


Challenge #28

Challenge #28: A good learning environment is characterized by open communication; mutual trust and respect; freedom to raise issues and engage in debate; clear and obtainable goals, objectives and teamwork.
  • With your team or via self-reflection, respond to the following questions:
    • What is the learning climate of your unit?
    • How do you—regardless of your position—contribute?

Thursday, July 14, 2022

IGNITE: You Are Responsible


lightning strike

You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel. - Robert Tew, author

[Photo: Marc Sanchez/BLM]

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Supportive and Challenging Environment

Supportive and Challenging Environment banner

Being openly criticized by the one teaching is a sure way to stop the learning process. Teachers must provide and maintain a learning environment that assists students in meeting goals and objectives.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Know Your Audience

wildland firefighter
(Photo credit: Chris Ayer)

Something to think about – Have you ever sat down with a new employee or even one that you have worked with for awhile and asked these four important questions: What drives you? What gets you up in the morning? What is your belief about success or failure? How do you deal with challenges or something new to learn?

Monday, July 11, 2022

IGNITE: Personal Accountability

wildland firefighter digging out a burned cactus

Everyone’s responsible for their own actions and attitudes they bring each day. - Nick Saban, coach

[Photo: Utah BLM]


Saturday, July 9, 2022

Characteristics of Adult Learners: Small Groups

Small groups banner

Research on adult learning has shown that most adults learn best in small groups. This makes students responsible not only for their own learning, but for the learning of the group. Students who grasp concepts faster help those who do not, and the collective experience of the group adds to the process of learning.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Challenge #27 - 2022 WFLDP Campaign

Challenge #27 - 2022 WFLDP campaign

Challenge #27: Effective leaders are proficient in the use of constructive feedback and positive reinforcement.

  • Watch “The secret to giving great feedback.
  • Watch “Feedback is a Gift.”

Thursday, July 7, 2022

IGNITE: Surround Yourself with Diversity

hotshots hiking down a hill

“Good leadership requires you to surround yourself with people of diverse perspectives who can disagree with you without fear of retaliation. - Doris Kearns Goodwin, historian/author

[Photo: Jennifer Myslivy/BLM]

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Orientation to Learning is Life or Problem-Centered

Orientation to Learning is Life or Problem-Centered banner

Training and education must be attuned to the concerns of the students. Adults are motivated to learn to the extent that they perceive the new knowledge or skills will help them perform tasks or deal with problems that they confront in their daily lives.

Monday, July 4, 2022

WOR 2022 - Day 6

hotshots at South Canyon staff ride
“Stepping on the ground of the South Canyon Fire was without a doubt the most beneficial training and learning experience of my fire career. It is our responsibility to study and learn the lessons from this event.” Staff Ride Participant

[Photo: Mark Skudlarek/BLM]

Sunday, July 3, 2022

WOR 2022 - Day 4

wildland fire

It is clear that fire will continue to be an important resource-management tool. But it's a tool as delicate to manipulate as a surgeon's scalpel. Fire is also a ruthless and unpredictable teacher, as the lessons of Mack Lake demonstrate. We can only hope that future lessons will be learned in less-destructive ways, and will help us understand better how we can use a capricious natural phenomenon to our best advantage - and that of our planet. - Louis Borie, American Forest writer, July 1981

Remembering James Lee Swidersky

[Photo: Kari Greer/USFS]
#WOR2022, #honorthroughlearning, #neverforget

Saturday, July 2, 2022

WOR 2022 - Day 3


I had a profound experience on the staff rides with Redmond. Putting myself in the shoes of the men and women who lost their lives brought an elevated level of humanity to the tragedies they experienced. For me, this highlighted the way human factors in fire can impact us. It was a privilege to have the opportunity to pay respect, think critically and learn. - Staff Ride Participant

Readiness to Learn

Readiness to Learn banner

 Adults are motivated to learn when they feel the learning is relevant to their jobs or their personal lives. They need to know why information or skills are important to them, what they can anticipate learning, and how it will be taught. It is important to provide this information in the introduction to the lesson.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Challenge #26 - 2022 WFLDP Campaign

Challenge #26 banner
Challenge #26: Effective teams ensure multiple perspectives of an issue and solutions are considered.

IGNITE: Put Your People First


hazard tree

“Put your people first - today, tomorrow, forever.” – Jim Karels

[Photo: Justin Vernon/USFS]