Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Gina Papke on Influential People

Influential People from The Smokey Generation on Vimeo.
Where is it written that you need a title to be a leader? According to Leading in the Wildland Fire Service,

Leadership is the art of influencing people in order to achieve a result. The most essential element for success in the wildland fire service is good leadership.  (p. 1)

Where we serve doesn't matter. What matters is the quality of service we provide to the overall mission. Each group in the fire service has importance and influences in a manner different from the other. We all, regardless of our position in the organization, have a duty to do our best wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Unlike the television show Cheers, you don't have to be a leader "where everyone knows your name." 

What is your story? We challenge you to become a part of this amazing  project and share your leadership stories. Bethany Hannah began The Smokey Generation: A Wildland Fire Oral History and Digital Storytelling Project for her master's thesis. All members of the wildland fire service, not just hotshots, can share their stories by following her example. Click here for potential leadership questions. Visit The Smokey Generation website for complete information.

The Smokey Generation logo

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