Thursday, February 20, 2020

IGNITE - Ambition versus Leadership

wildland firefighters burning out
Ambition is refusing to quit on ourselves. Leadership is refusing to quit on others. ♦ Simon Sinek ♦
[Photo: Devil's Canyon Veteran's Handcrew]

#fireleadership #ambition

1 comment:

Coyote said...

This is an awesome quote! I think most of us have ambition to push through whatever is in our way, the problem comes when we have people around us that we need to care for and may not know. This is no excuse, in fact, it should be even more reason to push harder.
I'm new to the world of high leadership but, I've been an ENGB/FELB for years and have great respect for those who strive to be better.

Todd Weiler aka Coyote