- What do you do to encourage your junior leaders to act and make decisions when they find themselves without specific guidance? How do they know they're supposed to take charge?
- Tell us about when you learned that, as a leader, you were getting paid to come up with solutions on your own instead of always asking for guidance.
- Sometimes junior leaders make decisions that backfire. What do you do to help people recover from failure and learn from their mistakes?
- There is plenty of evidence to suggest that failure makes for a great teaching moment. Tell us about a failure you experienced or witnessed and how it became an important lesson.
A forum where students of fire and leadership come together to discuss, debate and exchange leadership development concepts, experience, and thoughts with an intent to promote cultural change in the workforce and strengthen the wildland fire service and the communities they serve.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Bringing the Battle of Gettysburg to You (Part 1 - John Buford at Gettysburg)
Leading in the Wildland Fire Service
Leadership is the art of influencing people in order to achieve a result. The most essential element for success in the wildland fire service is good leadership.
This book expresses the fundamental leadership concepts of the wildland fire service. It outlines the framework, values, and principles that guide wildland fire leaders in providing leadership across a broad range of missions. The concepts of this book are universal to every person in the wildland fire service--from first year employee to senior manager.
This book serves interagency wildland fire service interests by:
- Defining leadership in the wildland fire service.
- Articulating a universal set of values and principles to guide the actions of leaders in the wildland fire service.
- Providing a concise reference for the wildland fire leadership development curriculum for use by both instructors and students.
Leaders often face difficult problems to which there are no simple, clear cut, by-the-book solutions. In these situations, leaders must use their knowledge, skill, experience, education, values, and judgment to make decisions and to take or direct action--in short, to provide leadership.
This book does not state policy. It cannot provide black-and-white answers to the unlimited volume and variety of situations a leader will face. Instead this book simply outlines the broad concepts of leadership in the wildland fire service--fundamental concepts by thich expectations of leaders may be established and performance of leaders may be judged. It is intended to make better leaders of us all.
For these reasons, this book is structured around our leadership values and principles as a means of communicating what right looks like and illustrating effective leadership in action.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Students of Fire - Lifelong Learners
Authors Jim Ford, Jane Knight, and Emily McDonald-Littleton of the Knox County Schools, Adult Education Program created a very user-friendly study skills course "developed to inspire clear, purposeful direction and ensure that learners have the skills and tools necessary for education success." The curriculum is builit around the following concepts:
- Learning styles
- Personality
- Teamwork
- Problem Solving
- Goal Setting
- Test Taking Strategies
Much of the information included in this curriculum applies to students of fire and a review of information found in the WFLDP curriculum, but give members of the wildland fire service additional learning tools.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Leadership Nuggets from the Rabbit Trail
Rabbit trail #1 features Michael Lee Stallard's blog entry "The Blind Side" where he talks about leaders creating a healthy social environment and mentions his book Fired Up or Burned Out, which I'm finding an interesting read and have only finished the introduction. (Read how I got a copy in my third rabbit trail.)
Rabbit trail #2 wound up in a broken link where I opted to go to Stallard's home page only to find another trail to Michael Hyatt's leadership blog entry "John Wooden and the Power of Virtue in Leadership." (We had recently posted a link to a TED clip called "John Wooden on True Success" on About Leadership in WFLDP toolbox, so this seemed a logical path.)
Rabbit trail #3 landed me on Michael Hyatt's blog entry "John Wooden and the Power of Virtue in Leadership." Hyatt is CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. He provides a very fitting tribute to the late Coach John Wooden whose virtuous leadership style touched many lives. Hyatt generously provides access to a free digital download featuring Michael Lee Stallard's Fired Up or Burned Out: How to Reignite Your Team's Passion, Creativity and Productivity. (You'll have to follow the trail to get this nugget for yourself.)
Just like Alice in Alice in Wonderland, I followed the rabbit down trails and wound up back home more grateful and knowledgable than before. I trust that you will too. Happy trails!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Stories from the Fireline

"Sharing experiences through stories is emerging in various professions as a powerful way to exchange and consolidate knowledge. Research suggests that sharing experiences though narrative builds trust, cultivates norms, transfers tacit knowledge, facilitates unlearning, and generates emotional connections. ~ Deborah Sole and Daniel Gray Wilson, LILA Harvard University
“How-To” Suggestion:
- Download and read LILA Harvard University's Deborah Sole's and Daniel Gray Wilson’s "Storytelling in Organizations: The Power and Traps of Using Stories to Share Knowledge in Organizations" which can be found online at http://www.providersedge.com/docs/km_articles/Storytelling_in_Organizations.pdf
- Obtain and read the book Leadership Lessons from West Point from the Leader to Leader Institute. Authors of this publication set the example of using storytelling to bring very real leadership experiences to life.
- Research storytelling as a leadership development tool. A few printed and Internet resources are listed below as possible guides for your knowledge quest. (Supervisors: Consider adding storytelling references to your local leadership library.)
- Implement storytelling when communicating; use the information you have gained from your research.
- Document experiences where storytelling was used to handle a leadership challenge (bring about change, encourage teamwork, share knowledge, transmit the Wildland Fire Leadership Values and Principles, etc.). Indicate whether the experience was effective or ineffective; if ineffective, document what could have been differently for future reference.
- Create a personal storytelling library for future use. Revisit your storytelling library to keep the information updated and relevant.
- Continually practice and improve your skill.
- Pay it forward. Share this leadership development tool with members of your crew; become a storytelling mentor.
Printed Resources:
Denning, Steve. The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling: Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative. Jossey-Bass. April 2005.
- Addresses “how to use storytelling to deal with the most difficult challenges faced by leadership today” including:
- Motivate others to action
- Build trust in you
- Build trust in your company (branding)
- Transmit your values
- Get others working together
- Share knowledge
- Tame the grapevine
- Create and share your vision,
- Solve the paradox of innovation
- Use narrative to transform your organization
Denning, Steve. Squirrel Inc.—A Fable of Leadership through Storytelling. Elsevier. June 2004. http://www.stevedenning.com/Squirrel.htm
- Addresses “the use of storytelling to address leadership challenges”
- How to bring about change
- How to communicate who you are
- How to transmit values
- How to foster collaboration
- How to stop rumors
- How to share knowledge
Leader to Leader Institute (Major Doug Crandall, editor). Leadership Lessons from West Point. Jossey-Bass. 2007.
- This publication is the ultimate reference for using storytelling for leadership development.
“In our classrooms, as in this book, we bring forth concepts and theory, relate stories from our own leadership endeavors, and help cadets make sense of their own experiences as they look toward the future. Throughout this book, we open a window into this world of leadership development that is the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at West Point and share some of our candid reflections, compelling stories, best practices, and frontline ideas.” (Major Doug Crandall, xxvi)
Simmons, Annette. The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence, and Persuasion through Storytelling. Perseus Books Group. June 2002. http://groupprocessconsulting.com/images/uploads/Chapter_1.pdf
- Addresses “six types of stories that will serve you well in your efforts to influence others”
- Who I Am Stories
- Why I Am Here Stories
- My Vision Story
- Teaching Stories
- Values in Action Stories
- "I Know what you are Thinking" Stories
Internet Resources:
Brooks, Kevin. Story - Storytelling - Business – Research. http://xenia.media.mit.edu/~brooks/storybiz/storytelling-business.html
Denning, Stephen. http://www.stevedenning.com/
Group Process Consulting. (Simmons, Annette)
Ivy Sea Online. Stories & Storytelling. http://www.ivysea.com/pages/Storytelling_portal.html
Lipman, Doug. Story Dynamics: Igniting Transformation Through Storytelling, http://www.douglipman.com/
McLellan, Hilary. Leadership and Stories. http://tech-head.com/leader.htm
Sanborn, Mark. How Leaders Communicate.
Part 1: http://www.marksanborn.com/store/Leadership_Lessons_03-30-06.asp
Part 2: http://www.marksanborn.com/store/Leadership_Lessons_04-27-06.asp
Stories from the Fireline can be a powerful self‑development tool. Effective use of the tool requires thought, organization, and practice.
“People may read the statement of organizational values every day and may carry their values cards in the wallet at all times. But what they remember are the stories and examples of how those values were put into action.” – Major Chip Daniels, Leadership Lessons from West Point
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Is There a Difference Between Management and Leadership?
James Colvard wrote a short article that was showcased at Government Executive.com called "Managers vs. Leaders." He says, "We often talk of management and leadership as if they are the same thing. They are not." He goes on to say, "The two are related, but their central functions are different, and leaders perform management functions. But managers don't perform the unique functions of leaders." He presents his key differences and more in his article which can be found at http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0703/070703ff.htm.
This and other perspectives about leadership can also be found in the WFLDP Toolbox at http://www.fireleadership.gov/toolbox/about_leadership.html. Check them out for yourself.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Leadership Competencies
- Competency—a broad description that groups core behaviors necessary to perform a specific function
- Behavior—a general description of an observable activity that is a logical and necessary action in the performance of a behavior; how the behavior is demonstrated or performed in a particular context
- Task—a specific description of a unit of work activity that is a logical and necessary action in the performance of a behavior; how the behavior is demonstrated or performed in a particular context
As you further your leadership development and mentor others, there may be times when identifying competencies may be helpful (completing your individual development plan, etc.). Members of the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) identified and compiled core competencies and behaviors for each ICS position identified in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and in the National Interagency Incident Management System Wildland Fire Qualification System Guide (PMS 310-1).
For specific leadership competencies related to ICS positions, visit http://www.nwcg.gov/pms/taskbook/taskbook.htm and select the proper category and position.
As not all positions contain leadership competencies, experts from Central Michigan University authored "A Leadership Competency Model: Describing the Capacity to Lead." Not only do the authors present core competencies but also provide examples of excellent and poor leadership behaviors. The report and "Steps to Becoming a Better Leader" can be found at http://www.chsbs.cmich.edu/leader_model/.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Looking Back 15 Years

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dr. Useem's "Step Up or Step Aside"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
14th Annual Wharton Leadership Conference

- Scott Davis, chairman and CEO of UPS
- John Hagel III, internationally known thought leader who has been at the forefront of the technological revolution as a management consultant, author, speaker, and entrepreneur
- Mary Ellen Iskenderian, president and CEO of Women's World Banking
- Robert (Bob) Kelly, chairman and CEO of BNY Mellon
- Steven Pearlstein, columnist for The Washington Post and host of the online forum and video series On Leadership
- Susan Peters, vice president, executive development, and chief learning officer for General Electric
- Jeff Schwartz, global leader for Deloitte Consulting's Organization and Change service line
- Jim Wallis, bestselling author, public theologian, and frequent speaker on faith and public life
- Benjamin Zander, Boston Philharmonic Orchestra conductor since 1979
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
New & Improved Self-Development Tool

The following changes were made:
- Creation of the Individual Development Plan (IDP) Guide (content adopted from a document created by and made available courtesy of the Uniformed Services University).
- Addition of the follower or aspiring leader leadership level.
- Enhancements to the development goals for each leadership level.
- Creation of separate self-development plan worksheets for each leadership level.
This tool can be used by anyone for their personal self development or to augment (not replace) agency IDPs. The intent is to provide wildland fire service employees the opportunity to quickly download self-development plan resources that are easy to understand and implement.