Friday, August 30, 2019

Challenge #54 - The Art of Influence

easel and canvas with WFLDP logo and challenge

Challenge #54 - The Art of Leadership
Leaders promote connectivity within their teams.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Progress Is Inevitable

Be Change Become
(Image by John Hain from Pixabay)

"Women astronauts. What a ridiculous idea." - 

Recently I asked our readers the following question: "As a leader, what do you have control over?" The most popular response was, "Yourself." Not a single person mentioned time or change. Wouldn't it be handy if we could control time, especially with regard to bringing about change.

There is yet to be a generation that hasn't struggled with the glacial speed of change. Being a change agent is hard business. Many times change agents never see the "fruits of their labor." In fact, some may never know they had any influence at all. Sometimes it all depends on our perspective.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Challenge #53 - The Art of Leadership

easel and canvas with WFLDP logo and challenge

Challenge #53 - The Art of Leadership
Leadership is the art of influencing people in order to achieve a result.
  • How do you define influence?
  • Do you feel you have influence?
  • Where would you like more influence? Devise a plan of action.
[Inspiration: Growing Influence by Ron Price & Stacy Ennis]

IGNITE: It's Not Just What You Say

drip torch in snow in front of fire

It’s not only what you say, but how you say it that makes a strong leader. ♦ Unknown ♦

[Photo: Platte Canyon WF Module]


Friday, August 23, 2019

Challenge #52 - The Art of Leadership

easel and canvas with WFLDP logo and challenge

Challenge #52 - The Art of Leadership

Self-care and reflection are vital. Respond to the following in your journal.
  • Are you happy where you’re at?
  • Do you feel like you’re fulfilling what you’re meant to in life?
[Source: Growing Influence by Ron Price & Stacy Ennis]


Thursday, August 22, 2019

IGNITE: Builders Not Breakers

firefighters at the base of a large tree with fire around

The art of leadership is about inspiring people to build something, not threatening to break something.  ♦ Simon Sinek ♦

[Photo: Devil's Canyon Veterans Handcrew]


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

We are all replaceable, but...

future (finger point to you)
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 
As I write this blog, I look in the review mirror of a 35-year career in wildland fire. When I started in wildland fire at the age of 19, I had no idea the job I took to help pay for college and an education in business administration and high school vocational education would become the vocation from which I would retire. But here I am with three to five years left until retirement.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Challenge #51 - The Art of Leadership

easel and canvas with WFLDP logo and challenge

Challenge #51 - The Art of Leadership

Effective leaders have accountability partners they can turn to for constructive criticism and honest feedback.
  • Do you have an accountability person/team? If not, find/form one.
  • Check in with your person/team on a regular basis.
  • Keep track of your check-ins and progress in your journal.

IGNITE: Team Chemistry

firefighters gathered around a campfire
When you encounter a group with good chemistry, you know it instantly. ♦ Daniel Coyle ♦ 

[Photo: San Juan IHC]

IGNITE: No Threat

firefighters working the line

Leaders are not threatened by people with great potential. ♦ John C. Maxwell ♦
[Photo: Redding IHC]

Friday, August 16, 2019

Challenge #50 - The Art of Leadership

easel and canvas with WFLDP logo and challenge

Challenge #50 - The Art of Leadership
Effective leaders develop other leaders and share their power as much as possible.
  • Does your organization have a growth mindset? If not, consider implementing it where feasible.
  • Who are you grooming to take your position?
  • Practice the art of delegation.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

IGNITE: Well Done!

firefighters walking into the sunset
Well done is better than well said. - Benjamin Franklin

[Photo: Kyle Miller/Wyoming IHC]


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Leadership At All Levels

Redding IHC Buggy Rollover FLA cover
(Redding IHC Buggy Rollover FLA cover)
“I hadn’t even touched base with my family yet and it was already out there (on social media.)” - Phil
Point #1: When chaos enters the scene, every person on the team is a leader. Be ready to act.

On Tuesday, April 30, Redding IHC's Buggy B was involved in an accident with an oncoming vehicle, resulting in a rollover of the buggy and injury to several crew members.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Challenge #49 - The Art of Leadership

easel and canvas with WFLDP logo and challenge

Challenge #49 - The Art of Leadership
Effective teams share a set of common values.
  • Print out the Wildland Fire Values and Principles*.
  • Place (or write) a copy in your journal.
  • Become familiar with them.
  • Share them with your team.


IGNITE: Invite Input for Safety

crew running with mountains in background
To create safety, leaders need to actively invite input.
♦ Amy Edmondson ♦

[Photo: Gannett Glacier Fire Crew]

Friday, August 9, 2019

Challenge #48 - The Art of Leadership

easel and canvas with WFLDP logo and challenge

Challenge #48 - The Art of Leadership
Effective leaders have the moral courage to do the right thing.
  • In your journal, identify a wrong that you have witnessed. What would you do if you were in this situation?
  • Is there a wrong you need to make right? Make the correction, if possible.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

IGNITE: Efficiency vs. Effectiveness

fire and off-road vehicle
Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things. 
♦ Peter Drucker ♦

[Photo: Kyle Miller/Wyoming IHC]

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

When Doves Fly and Cats Leap

doves on fence

'Tis summer in Boise. There is smoke in the air from surrounding wildfires, fields of corn, pastures of cured grasses, and doves on the fence. Any other day, I would go about by business of getting ready for work; but today I took a minute to watch the doves.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Challenge #47 - The Art of Leadership

easel and canvas with WFLDP logo and challenge

Challenge #47 - The Art of Leadership
Leaders dream big and focus small.
  • Read Gary Keller’s book The One Thing.
  • Use your journal to track your “one things” and monitor your performance.

IGNITE - Train for Chaos

Firefighters in front of fire front
The more you train for chaos, the more accustomed to the chaos you will be. ♦ Jacko Willink ♦
[Photo: Kari Greer/USFS]


Friday, August 2, 2019

Challenge #46: The Art of Leadership

easel and canvas with WFLDP logo and challenge

Challenge #46: The Art of Leadership

Leaders need to be fit for command, addressing body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

IGNITE: Others Before Self

dozer and wildland firefighters
An important part of being a leader is to be humble enough to see beyond his or her own needs.
♦ Leif Babin, The Dichotomy of Leadership

[Photo: Baker River IHC]
