Friday, March 22, 2024

The Power of Our Stories

Author: Pam McDonald, BLM Wildland Fire Training and Workforce Development

In his 2015 TedTalk, Dave Isey, founder of StoryCorps, talks about the importance of storytelling and listening to others tell their story. Storytelling is woven into the fabric of our culture. Whether it is around the camp fire after a long days work, in the vehicle coming and going to the fireline, or over a beverage, stories bind us together. Being able to tell our stories is a powerful teaching tool, but not everyone has the gift of storytelling; however, nearly everyone has a story to tell or ears to hear.

Friday, March 15, 2024

What Is Your Trigger Point?

K2 by Zacharie Grossen
(Zacharie Grossen - Own work)

Author: Pam McDonald, BLM Wildland Fire Training and Workforce Development

I recently listened to Wondery's Against The Odds podcast "K2: The Savage Mountain" about one of the worst climbing disasters of modern times. In 2008, 11 people died and 3 were injured attempting to reach the summit. "Summit fever" leads to one in five climbers losing their life on the summit. Knowing when enough is enough may very well be a successful operation. The very same should be said about wildland fire suppression operations. Every wildland firefighter should know when to disengage. As Fredrik Sträng's behavioral therapist said, "It doesn't matter how high the goals are set/achieved unless you have decided what is enough."