Wildland fire leaders are participating in the National Staff Ride Workshop sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service Leadership Development Program in conjunction with the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center.

Besides actually taking part in a staff ride, attendees create or refurbish staff rides.
Here is more about this U.S. Forest Service leadership event:
Develop a recurring program of national staff ride workshops that spawn five new or refurbished staff rides annually, both east and west of the 100th Meridian. Invite or nominate and select up to five 4-person development teams who will develop the newly spawned staff rides from resulting from each workshop.
Increase the cadre pool of wildland fire service operators qualified to work within their home units and geographic areas to help initiate, develop, and deliver staff rides into their annual training plan process. This will provide the foundation for a fully supported, resourced, and accepted program of multi-level staff rides that meet or exceed nationally established quality standards in the "Wildland Fire Staff Ride Guide."