Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Become Aware

firefighters on a ridge
I came across this image and quote on the WFLDP Facebook page this morning, and I liked it:
"If you do not pay attention to what has your attention, you will give it more attention than it deserves." – David Allen
In my (very) short journey toward being more mindful, I’ve learned that being aware of what you are focused on is pretty important. If you’re aware of what has your attention, of what you are focused on, you can be mindful of how much attention it really needs, and shift your focus to what’s really important if you need to.

Monday, June 29, 2020

IGNITE: Nothing Endures But Change

Handcrew on break

“Nothing endures but change.” ♦ Heraclitus, Greek Philosopher of Ephesus ♦

[Photo: Devil's Canyon Veteran's Handcrew]


Friday, June 26, 2020

Challenge 24: 2020 WFLDP Campaign

2020 WFLDP Campaign logo and challenge

Challenge 24: Confident leaders embrace hard conversations.
  • Read "Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most" by Stone, Patton, & Heen.
  • In your journal, note the techniques you would like to try; leave space to reflect on how they worked.
#2020WFLDPCampaign #commandpresence #fireleadership

Thursday, June 25, 2020

IGNITE: Dare to Care

wildland fire

“Daring leaders are never silent about hard things.” ♦ Brené Brown, author ♦

[Photo: Kyle Miller, Wyoming IHC]


IGNITE: The Key to Flexibility

hotshots hiking up a hill

When we have a clear sense of where we're going, we are flexible in how we get there. - Simon Sinek

[Photo: Pioneer Peak IHC]


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Nothing is Routine

(Photo: Kari Greer/USFS)

The words "apathy," "complacency," and "procrastination" have been bouncing around my head the last few of months as all things pandemic swirl around us.

Neuroscientist Dr. Donald T. Stuss* defines apathy as the "absence of responsiveness to stimuli, with the requirement that this lack of responsiveness be demonstrated by a lack of self-initiated action."

Merriam-Webster defines complacency as "self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies."

Monday, June 22, 2020

IGNITE: Wisdom

torching trees
Wisdom, like every other great thing, is pursued and nurtured, not attained. ♦ Dan Rockwell ♦

[Photo: Gannett Glacier Fire Crew]


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Steven Hubner Honored for 2019 LBE Award for Mentoring & Teamwork

Steven Hubner with award

Steven Hubner
Regional Fuels Coordinator 
bootsGreat Dismal Swamp NWR/FWS
Honored for Mentoring and Teamwork

Steven Hubner has been selected as one of the recipients for the 2019 Paul Gleason Lead by Example award. Three individuals from across the wildland fire service have been chosen to receive this national award.

Monday, June 15, 2020

IGNITE: Seeing Beyond

vegetation and smoke

The exceptional leaders can see the world beyond the one in which she or he exists. - George Raveling, Coaching for Success

[Photo: Mesa IHC]


Thursday, June 11, 2020

IGNITE: Doing What's Necessary

Sawyer working on a huge tree

It is no use saying, “We are doing our best.” You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. ~ Winston Churchill

[Photo: Midewin IHC]

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Be Better

As I've struggled with the events of the last few weeks, I find myself returning to the legacy of one of our fallen—Andrew Ashcroft, member of the Granite Mountain Hotshots. Six months before his death Andrew began wearing a simple white band marked "BE BETTER."
When Andrew Ashcraft put on his Be Better Band in January of 2013, he vowed to wear it until the day he died as a constant reminder and emblem of his commitment to being better each day than he was the day before. He taught by word and example that we should treat each other better in our home, treat others that we come into contact with better each and every day...simply, BE better.
True to his word, Andrew wore that band until the day he died

Granite Mountain Hotshots

Wildland Fire Leadership Challenge: Digging a Little Deeper

Pam McDonald is a writer/editor for BLM Wildland Fire Training and Workforce Development and member of the NWCG Leadership Committee. The expressions are those of the author.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Paul Petersen Honored for 2019 LBE Award for Motivation & Vision

Paul Petersen with award

Paul Petersen
State Fire Management Officer
bootsBLM - State of Nevada
Honored for Motivation and Vision

Paul Petersen has been selected as one of the recipients for the 2019 Paul Gleason Lead by Example award. Three individuals from across the wildland fire service have been chosen to receive this national award.

Monday, June 8, 2020

IGNITE: Learning Without Judgment

wildland firefighters participating in sand table exercise
Learning to give guidance without judgment is the beginning of a new kind of relationship with ourselves and others. ♦ The Daily Coach blog ♦
[Photo: Baker River IHC]


Friday, June 5, 2020

Challenge 21: 2020 WFLDP Campaign

2020 WFLDP Campaign logo and challenge

Challenge 21:
Building trust is key in effective leadership.
  • Watch Kerwin Rae discuss calm assertiveness. (https://youtu.be/dxFhoSAyxAU)
  • Practice using calm assertiveness to build trust. Journalize about your effort.
#2020WFLDPCampaign #commandpresence #fireleadership

Thursday, June 4, 2020

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Firefighters Join Honor Guard Ranks

Photo: (L to R) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees Shane McDonald, Jason Riggins, Noah Wendland, Ryan Vice, Rob Wood, and Chris Wilcox pose for a photo after graduation. Credit: FWS photo

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) Honor Guard (SHG) is a specially trained, uniquely decorated, and highly disciplined unit that represents the positive image of the Service when fulfilling ceremonial duties. The primary duty of the SHG is to deliver final honors for fallen comrades. These services honor Service employees, as well as provide comfort and support to survivors of those who have fallen. Other duties include representing the Service at special functions.

The SHG follows long-standing traditions of military burials. These high standards require above average physical ability and highly polished appearance standards. SHG members must be ready to represent the Service by performing with the finest discipline at a moment’s notice.

Originally formed in 2010, the SHG was comprised of National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS) uniformed law enforcement officers. Later that year, the SHG provided services for the first official function and inaugural event at the dedication of land and a memorial service honoring Service Refuge Manager Richard Guadagno, and other passengers and crewmembers, who were onboard United Airlines Flight 93, one of four airliners hijacked on September 11, 2001.

After almost a decade, in 2018, the first NWRS full-time firefighters were admitted to the program: Jason Riggins, Regional Fire Management Coordinator, Regional Office, Bloomington, Minnesota, and Rob Wood, Fire Management Officer, South Atlantic-Gulf Interior Region.

"Full-time firefighters have set the bar high for all that follow and are a much-valued addition to the Service Honor Guard," said Deborah Goeb, Senior Federal Wildlife K9 Officer, Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge, and SHG Commander.

“I love working for Fish and Wildlife Service Fire Management, but I believe what I do with the SHG Team has become one of the most meaningful parts of my job,” said Rob Wood about his time on the SHG.

In 2020, the SHG welcomed two more firefighters to the ranks: Ryan Vice, Fire Management Specialist, Texas Mid-coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex (NWRC),

and Noah Wendland, Assistant Module Leader, Barksdale Air Force Base, Shreveport, Louisiana.

For many members, joining the SHG provided a way to give back to the wildland fire community and the Service.

“When I first learned about the opportunity to join the Service Honor Guard, I knew it was a way I could give back to my professional community during times of loss and need,” said Ryan Vice. “When we experience a loss, through the Service Honor Guard, I am able to give back and provide that support.”

In addition to providing memorial services, the SHG attends regularly scheduled events, including the Family Fire Weekend, organized by the Wildland Firefighter Foundation at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, and the annual National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

All new SHG members must complete a minimum of 80 hours of basic SHG training prior to performing with the SHG during ceremonies and events. Continued proficiency requires SHG officers to meet and train at least twice per year.

After successfully completing 3 years of service, a member may choose to continue serving actively on the SHG, request to be placed in reserve status, or leave the SHG in good standing (retire).

The Service maintains a membership level of approximately 25 members and continues to recruit new members for the SHG. Prospective wildland firefighter applicants can contact Shane McDonald, Deputy Chief - Operations, Branch of Fire Management, at shane_mcdonald@fws.gov to find out more about the program.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Being Present and Mindful

Vernon in snow with moon and stars shilouette
(Photo: Justin Vernon)

I stumbled across the Leadership Freak's blog post "A Realistic Approach to Being Present." In the blog, Dan Rockwell sparked a long series of thoughts. 

There’s a few good things in there for sure, but I really want to hit on the idea of being present and being mindful.

Monday, June 1, 2020

IGNITE: Character Not Reputation

“Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation."
♦ John Wooden ♦
[Photo: Kari Greer/USFS]

#fireleadership #commandpresence #2020WFLDPCampaign