Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Red Cup - Yellow Cup - Green Cup

red, yellow, and green party cups
(Photo: Amazon)
During the 1990s, I taught business education in a jr./sr. high school in a small Idaho town. It was during that time that I took a Dr. Harry Wong. Dr. Wong was renowned for classroom management techniques. One of the techniques I learned from him was the use of colored party cups as a communication technique. (I would see this communication technique years later at our local Brazilian grill.)

I gave each student three cups—one each red, yellow, and green. Each cup represented the following:
  • Red = I am stuck, need help, and can’t go on without help.
  • Yellow = I have a question but can continue working without an immediate answer.
  • Green = No questions or concerns.
The technique worked pretty well. Students even started helping each other while I took care of the most critical issues.

Imagine if each of us had a button that indicated we needed help. The light would beacon to those around us until someone came to our aid. Life isn't that simple; we don't have indicators. We either  tell someone or someone has to realize we need help. Unfortunately, most people don't ask for help.

Most wildland firefighters have keen situation awareness, but can we take our skill beyond the fireground? Are some of us masking that pain and dying inside. Are others missing, dismissing, or avoiding a cry for help. Nonverbal and verbal cues can be loud if only the observer has the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to help.

I have taken a couple mental health and suicide prevention courses from LivingWorks in the last few months. I want to share a couple of nuggets with you. None of what I share make us an expert, but maybe, just maybe, you will have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to help someone in pain.

Listen to the Suicide Awareness and Prevention in the Fire Service podcast from CPF Fire Wire.

Wildland Fire Leadership Challenge - Digging a Little Deeper

Most wildland firefighters are required to take first aid/CPR classes. Why aren't we required to take suicide awareness courses. The very life you save me be someone you love or even yourself.
  • Listen to the Suicide Awareness and Prevention in the Fire Service podcast from CPF Fire Wire.
  • Start the conversation within your team about helping one another.
  • Consider taking suicide awareness training. Know the signs and how to get someone to safety.
  • Speak with your local HR specialist about EAP resources available to you and your team.
  • Be a part of the change and remove the stigma of talking about suicide!
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK

Pam McDonald is a writer/editor for BLM Wildland Fire Training and Workforce Development and member of the NWCG Leadership Subcommittee. The expressions are those of the author.

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