Monday, March 22, 2021

A Look at

breaking news with

Sensational headlines and click bait often draw us into the world of time loss and disappointment. was developed with students of leadership in mind. Captured in its pages are  tools designed to help members of the wildland fire service (and beyond) develop their leadership art.

Fire professionals just like you created these tools as a means bring about culture change within the wildland fire service—to make us all better. From after action reviews and briefings to reading and staff rides, you will find what you need to become a valued student of fire and leadership.

Over the next few months coordinators from each functional area will showcase elements of the website (a.k.a. Leadership Toolbox).  You will be able to sharpen your tools along the way.

The website was recently moved from the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) server to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) server. Thanks to the hard work of Nancie Taylor and Rhonda Noneman at NWCG, our web presence was given a new look and feel.  We appreciate everything they do to keep our site the best that it can be.

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