Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tool Tip: Read books on topics that interest you.


Leaders are readers

Ok, this sounds obvious, but leadership lessons can be found in all kinds of books. While there are definitely good books on leadership development specifically, we can find examples of good leadership and tools for being a better leader in a wide variety of book topics. One of my favorite leadership books (often used in L-course prework) is The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, which is a book of historical fiction (although closely based on actual people and events).

Similarly, actual leadership skills that involve humans can be found in books that have nothing to do with leadership at face value, but talk about ideas and skills that are invaluable to leaders. Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely, or Blink by Malcom Gladwell come to mind as examples. Along those lines, one of the most valuable books in my personal leadership journey was Quiet by Susan Cain – a book that has nothing in it about leadership per se, but really helped me understand my own strengths and weaknesses as a leader and follower.

While the PRP contains a variety of titles on a range of topics, don’t be limited by it – it’s just a starting point! What books will you find to assist you on your leadership journey?

Leaders are Readers!

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