Tuesday, August 3, 2021


LEAD Time is an effort to incorporate leadership consistently into fireline operations. As part of the  the 6 Minutes for Safety (6MFS) topic rotation, LEAD Time topics are included on the National Incident Management Situation Report (SIT Report), reaching a vast audience. As part of the SIT Report  leadership talks can be incorporated into morning briefings. The LEAD Time program is a great avenue to promote continued growth in our leadership journey.

You don't have to wait for leadership topics to pop in the 6MFS rotation, visit their website anytime and select the "leadership" category or search this blog for topics.

The topics are meant to promote conversations amongst all levels of leadership. Whether you’re a module leader or first year crew member, there is value in the discussion that occurs. As with any other topic, AAR, briefing, etc., each LEAD Time topic requires a facilitator to be effective. 

Wildland Fire Leadership Challenge - Digging a Little Deeper

Challenge someone within your module to put some time and effort into becoming intimate with a given LEAD Time topic and have them facilitate the conversation. This is a great opportunity for folks to be in front of crowds and work on their public speaking and facilitation.

WFLDP and 6 Minutes for Safety logos

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