Saturday, August 6, 2022

Distractions and Interruptions


Distractions and Interruptions banner

These can interfere with learning. Often, such interferences result from teacher or learner behavior that either through intent or thoughtlessness interferes with instruction or learning, threatens or intimidates others, or oversteps the standards of civil conduct.

For example: The well-intentioned bus driver on a staff ride or field trip who keeps the bus running while the group is discussing something on the side of the road. While trying to maintain a comfortable environment inside, the driver thoughtlessly causes disruptive noise and fumes that interfere with the intended learning outside the bus.

Some distractions or interruptions will be unavoidable and will have to be mitigated to the best of the teacher’s ability. A good command presence, speaking with a clear and projecting voice will help. But the amount of time in a noisy distracting environment should always be kept to a minimum.

[Click here to download Learning in the Wildland Fire Service.]

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