Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Best Practice #23: Provide Feedback through Active Listening


Provide Feedback through Active Listening banner

Learner performance improves when the leader provides meaningful feedback on performance. Provide written comments on student assignments about the strengths and weaknesses of their ideas and concepts. But be cautious with praise. If it is used too often, or inappropriately, it can have a negative effect on the motivation of adult learners. Timely and constructive comments about performance provide recognition of their efforts and help to correct errors. Used appropriately, feedback should clearly specify the action being reinforced and should be believable.


“Good point!” “Outstanding!”

“So, based on that direction from you, Mary, this is what I would do… What would you do, Joe?”

“Bill, that’s a good idea! Let’s discuss what might happen if you implemented that concept.”

“Thanks, Jim. That reminds me that we should always think about second and third-order effects. Can anyone think of any unintended consequences that might occur after that decision?”

“Tell me more about that.”

“I like that, thank you! What are the risks?

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