Saturday, June 4, 2022

Opportunities for Inquiry and Dialogue - Summary on Learning Organizations

Opportunities for Inquiry and Dialogue - Summary on Learning Organizations banner

All wildland firefighters need to undergo similar entry-level training and then career progression training and education designed and implemented as an acculturation process. This common lifelong learning experience provides all firefighters shared situational awareness, a proud heritage, a set of values, and a common bond of comradeship.

Basic individual skills are an essential foundation for fireline effectiveness and must receive heavy emphasis. All firefighters—regardless of their specialty—must be trained and educated in basic firefighting skills.

At the same time, organizational skills are extremely important.

Leaders must establish concrete learning processes and practices, and reinforce the value of a learning culture. The next section of this publication helps you to do just that by establishing a framework for learning.

These are not simply an accumulation of individual skills. To be sure, adequacy in individual skills does not automatically mean organizational skills are satisfactory.

Crews and teams must experience learning together so they can collectively improve their knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are in keeping with our leadership values and principles.

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