Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Opportunities for Inquiry and Dialogue - "Is Yours a Learning Organization?"

Opportunities for Inquiry and Dialogue - "Is Yours a Learning Organization?"

In a March 2008 article in Harvard Business Review, professors ask, “Is Yours a Learning Organization?” The authors propose that an environment to support learning has four characteristics:

Psychological Safety. To learn, employees must be comfortable expressing their thoughts.

Appreciation of Differences. Recognizing the value of different tactical and operational outlooks increases energy and motivation, sparks fresh thinking, and prevents lethargy and drift.

Openness to New Ideas. Learning is about crafting novel approaches. Learners should be encouraged to take risks and explore the untested and unknown.

Time for Reflection. When people are too busy or overstressed, their ability to think analytically and creatively is compromised. Supportive learning environments allow time for a pause in the action and encourage thoughtful review of the organization’s processes.

Finally, leaders must establish concrete learning processes and practices, and reinforce the value of a learning culture. The next section of this publication helps you to do just that by establishing a framework for learning.

By discussing the pillars and tenets of learning—using the framework for learning, and implementing ideas about building a learning organization—wildland firefighters can significantly improve their individual and collective levels of competence and maturity.

With competence and maturity comes an increased degree of safety. Learning is an essential duty for leaders at all levels, as we pass on our lessons learned to the next generation.

Have Fun Learning Together!

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